Work with us. Let's make your organization





communication problems.

On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become filtered and misunderstood.

A social network + wiki


to make big groups smarter.

Good ideas need not navigate a maze

A fragmented information ecosystem wastes time and resources.

From Brainstorm to Brilliance

Don't settle. Midflip's


feature refines concepts through iterative building. Transform rough rocks into polished diamonds.

Let your people shine.

Liquid democracy

removes barriers, providing your team with the opportunity to showcase their knowledge.


Bring Everyone Together

News Feed


Groups & Chat

Iteratively Improve Topics

Topic Texts

Asynchronous colab texts

Liquid Trust Network

Topic Feeds

Ease of use

Mobile App


Only pay for active users


Internal Social

Internal Wiki



to make big groups smarter

Evolving conversations interconnecting your organization.

Built to capture bubble up ideas and improve them

Improve processes and best practices without causing a clusterf&@#!

Feed controls

Choose which sections of your organization's documents you want to see.

Each organization can design their own category system

Whats the wave icon?

Click the wave icon to give your trust to another user in a specific topic.

This is liquid democracy in action.

Why is the heart blue?

This means your trusted representative has voted for you. You can always adjust your vote personally.

Feed controls

Choose which section of your organization you want to see.

Whats the wave icon?

Click the wave icon to give your trust to another user.

Why is the heart blue?

This means your representative has voted for you. You can always adjust your vote.

A social network unlike any other

Collaboratively build common understanding

Designed for intelligent discourse

Engagement towards purpose

Keep track of document history and contributors

Documents are refined by many people over time.

Changes highlighted automatically

When edits are submitted, the changes are displayed for all to see.

Vote for changes

Edits require a vote, the vote is counted on a predictable schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc)

See doc history and contributors

Documents are refined by many people over time.

Highlight changes

When edits are submitted, the changes are displayed for all to see.

Vote for changes

Vote is counted on a predictable schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc)

And much more!

Admin topics - Keep top down control, these topics require admin approval to update.

Private and group chats.

Regular posts, topic feeds, profile pages - everything you would want out of a social network.

How to build a stronger information ecosystem:

Focus attention around topics.

Iteratively improve and challenge knowledge on topics.

Create a liquid hierarchy of experts around each topic.

Reward contributors & those who gain trust.

Design to hold attention & promote deep discussion.

Keep the discussion as open and free as possible.