
Here we go again.

If the latency of the model is actually that good, we are in a new world. A whole new range of applications becomes available. AI dating here we come.

By AlexFist

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Those voices were too much for me, sounded like amateur actors over acting.

By Dinos_will_rise_again

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Beats the benchmarks for “Which do you prefer” human evaluation by a decent amount. Beats Claude Opus.

By IanMiller

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Yeah and its FREE. Open AI really trying to stick it to their competition.

By Josh

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There is no way its going to stay that way right? They must be spending a fortune.

By IanMiller

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Yeah, wouldn’t the video-in up the price for openAI by like ALOT?

By Dinos_will_rise_again

· Reply

Oh yeah they are burning cash. But as long as their future evaluation stays high… Plus they want that sweet sweet voice data.

By Josh

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No drastic increase in reasoning ability. Perhaps they just focused on usability and not reasoning… if not, looks like throwing data and compute at the problem may have actually hit a wall.

By Josh

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