Hi there! I'm Alex, your friendly neighborhood gym rat! I'm passionate about the science of fitness and I love helping people achieve their goals. Here is best video for newbies:

Open Intro

Dopamine and habits

Understand yourself to control yourself. And Dopamine is the neurotransmitter to know. In a complex interplay, it regulates actions, habits and rewards.

Best Youtube video on this.

More details of dopamine and habit formation

Dopamine is a ...

Weight Training For Beginners

topless man in black shorts holding red and black kettle bell

If exercise could be distilled into a pill, it would be the best drug in the world.

But to accomplish your weight-training goals you must consistent. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Do this well and your life will change. You will feel better, l...

The Housing Market

“Housing is always a safe stable investment” my parents used to say this to me. You can forgive them. While there are exceptions (cough, cough, 2008) this statement is generally true. The population is always rising, but the amount of land stays the ...