From startups to blockchain, I've always been drawn to the world of entrepreneurship. Check out my favorite youtube channel:

The future is here! Lets do the work necessary to keep everything cool and not crazy.

Open Intro

The argument for and against open sourcing ASI

If we assume that we truly are innovating our way to artificial super intelligence (ASI)… should we open source it? Should every person with an internet connection be able to download the latest ASI attempt? The internet has collapsed this important ...

The job market

Your living standards are largely dictated by where you live and which industry you work in.

It does sometimes feel as if we are all on rafts being swept this way and that by large economic, technological, and demographic forces.

Let’s decrease (or i...

Cyber Warfare

🔫 Pew Pew is turning into beep bop beep 💻. Conflict has entered the digital space... Welcome to a completely different battlefield.

What happens when enemies have access to your country’s electrical grid? what about communication systems? What about...