Luke's awards
5 followers award!
20 merit award
1 Champ text won in the Cyber Warfare Topic
2 Champ texts won in the AAAA Topic
1 Champ text won in the Phlex - The Ruby On Rails Gem Topic
Hello! My name is Luke Clancy, I created this website with my brother, Joshua Clancy.
I make websites in ruby on rails and sometimes Elixir / Phoenix. I have experience from postgresql to front end javascript and everywhere in between, including devops.
My goal for MidFlip is to create a space that enhances group collaboration and coordination, be that in the public sphere, or the private!
Is MidFlip right for you or your company? Check us out! Want to see something else I made? Check out OtterlyJS, which is made with Phoenix/Elixir/Javascript. Want to see my qualifications? Check out my linkedin.
Will phlex overthow haml and erb?
If you are looking for a fast and easy way to render views in ruby-on-rails, you might want to check out phlex. Traditionally, the view is the slowest step in most ruby on rails projects. Phlex is a new view engine… • 0
whats goin on?? • 0