AI & Over Optimization

King of the hill #4


AI & Over Optimization.

Submitted by




As an edit it won against

text #3

(6 YES 0 NO).

It held the top position until it lost to an


written by Josh (15 YES 0 NO).

So AI is snorting its drug under the table whenever RL is involved, got it.

By Dinos_will_rise_again

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Can we just… not combine LLM’s with reinforcement learning. Everyone new rule! Don’t do that.

By PreemPalver

· Reply

This really helped me understand the difference between LLM and RL goals thankyou. I still think this topic can be refined further though. We can say the same thing in less words.

By HannaLange

· Reply

Look at champs 2 months ago. I bet in a month or so the whole style has changed again. The iterative improvment is real

By James_Rodriguez

· Reply

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