Commenting - AI Prompting

Current king of the hill (#2)


Commenting - AI Prompting.

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As an edit it won against

text #1

(4 YES 0 NO).

This king text has no current edits attempting to take its place.

Its good for getting ideas flowing… but i have yet to see a generated comment I would just copy and paste.

They always require editing.

By Dinos_will_rise_again

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The workflow IMO is always human instructions → ai generate → (human adjust → ai adjust) 🔁 → human refine.

Fully automated is The pipe dream of the lazy.

By James7

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Those are not really natural… oh wait its for linkedin isn’t it. Nevermind its perfect lol.

By Jessssus

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I find AI automated commenting kinda gross

By Mike_the_one_in_Ohio

· Reply

IMO if its just to get ideas - fine. but if you are automating some stupid bot without review - hell nah. Luckily the automated solutions are still pretty bad - human oversight is needed for quality control.

By BonsaiWhisperer

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