Mitigating the Potential Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

King of the hill #3


Mitigating the Potential Dangers of Artificial Intelligence.

Submitted by




As an edit it won against

text #2

(7 YES 0 NO).

It held the top position until it lost to an


written by Jessssus (7 YES 0 NO).

I like how the new 800 word cap forces conciseness, this article was really big before. Lets add in more links to the next version though. I want that tree of links to more in depth articles/conversations.

By AlexFist

· Reply

This discussion is where i think midflip will shine. Twitter is failing miserably in discussing these types of topics.

By At_moon_what_now

· Reply

BUTTTTTT… still need to fix that diffy issue, these changes are hard to read.

By At_moon_what_now

· Reply

Agreed, we are upping the priority of this. This article in particular shows the problem pretty clearly.

By Josh

· Reply

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