If you think AI is good at coding - uh - *cough* skill issue *cough* try something harder then hello world *cough*
I mean its alright in some domains, but anything off the beaten path - well it creates problems.
And then those problems cause other problems. Because you keep trying to use it to debug the errors it causes! Eventually you throw your h… • 3
🔫 Pew Pew is turning into beep bop beep 💻. Conflict has entered the digital space… Welcome to a completely different battlefield.
What happens when enemies have access to your country’s electrical grid? what about communication systems? What about… • 0
Will phlex overthow haml and erb?
If you are looking for a fast and easy way to render views in ruby-on-rails, you might want to check out phlex. Traditionally, the view is the slowest step in most ruby on rails projects. Phlex is a new view engine… • 0
More to explore:
Most AI prompting for social media are automated t…
Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer ap…
Artificial Intelligence is based on optimization.…