Have an AI analyze your website and provide feedback.

Get expert website analysis with this guided prompt.

Getting useful feedback can be really hard.

And if you are building a startup you will need a LOT of feedback.

This guided prompt solves that problem. It provides a structured approach to thoroughly evaluate your startup's website and landing page, offering expert-level insights at a fraction of...

A story about creativity and feedback

Improving in a creative direction is hard. Really hard. That’s why most people simply copy what has been done before. But now everyone and their AI can do that.

So, we turn to the difficult road… but perhaps the more meaningful one.

Creating somet...

How to direct attention around a design

Today’s world is a rainforest of things trying to get attention. Everyone is overwhelmed. As a designer, you have to be economical with your audience’s attention.

We have to strategically guide the eye and keep our audience engaged. But how can we e...

More to explore:

Generating social media posts - AI prompting

Most AI prompting for social media are automated t...

AI Prompting collaborative notes

Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer ap...

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Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting

Lets summarize academic articles!

Why? because 1. ...