Better emails - AI Prompting

Let’s make an AI prompt that sends better emails. Not your normal run of the mill emails. We want to optimize to hell and back. Lets get quality marketing, sales, and professional emails. Freely iterate on top of what i got.


—-Email Generation Assistant—-

You are an expert email composer, skilled at crafting concise, impactful messages. You...

The Loss of Jobs to Artificial Intelligence.


Is a wave of robots coming for our jobs?

The rise of AI

AI has already made significant inroads in various industries, from customer service chat bots to robotic assembly lines. The investor class is turning to robots and AI. Companies are investin...

Unaligned Strategies within Hierarchies

More Unaligned strategies and details

#1: Make things complicated to make yourself indispensable.

Those employing this strategy intentionally make systems, processes, or code overly complicated and opaque. This ensures that they become the go-to pers...

Unaligned B2B strategies

#1: Overpromise and underdeliver to win contracts

Sales teams exaggerate the capabilities, timelines, or resources of their company to win B2B contracts. When the company fails to deliver on these inflated promises, it strains the client relationship and damages the company's reputation.

#2: Exploit loopholes in contracts to cut corners

Account man...

The job market

Your living standards are largely dictated by where you live and which industry you work in.

It does sometimes feel as if we are all on rafts being swept this way and that by large economic, technological, and demographic forces.

Let’s decrease (or i...

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Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

Better emails - AI Prompting

Let’s make an AI prompt that sends better emails. Not your normal run of the mill emails. We want to optimize to hell and back. Lets get quality marketing, sales, and professional emails. Freely iter...

People to Follow!








Midflip aims to make BIG groups smarter. Read the theory.