Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at http://bit.ly/IngridClancy2024 (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her encouragement ! )

  • Ingrid is raising funds for the Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research ...

Just how important is exercise?

You were made to move.

The modern world often robs us of this. Sitting with a bag of chips. Drowning in a doom scroll. On your little screen, withering. lol. Too strong?

Just get outside and do something! (I am yelling at myself more than you).


Weight Training For Beginners

topless man in black shorts holding red and black kettle bell

If exercise could be distilled into a pill, it would be the best drug in the world.

But to accomplish your weight-training goals you must consistent. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Do this well and your life will change. You will feel better, l...

How Light Effects Mood, Sleep, and Eating Habits.

We evolved to work within a daily cycle. Wake up with the sun, go to sleep at night.

But now we are all out of wack.

First, we are not signalling to our eyes that we are about to go to sleep. People mess with this by keeping lights on, staring at a p...

How Addiction Works!

I want cookies 🍪, and pizza 🍕, and beer 🍺, and sex 🍆, and drugs 💊, and fame 📸, and power 💪. I want, I want, I want. I want till I want no more. Which is when I’m dead.

This topic is about explaining want and addiction simply. Help build on our work ...

More to explore:

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at http://bit.ly/IngridClancy2024 (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

AI Prompting collaborative notes

Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer apparently. Everyone has that one cool trick to get the AI to produce better prompts.

Social media is full of gu...

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