Generating social media posts - AI prompting

Most AI prompting for social media are automated trainwrecks. Here we want to attempt to create a prompt which can generate good ideas and content for social media.

we are assuming that you the prompter will pick out the best This is Midflip, so feel...

How to make social media smarter

Current social media is not smart

Each social media network is a unique information ecosystem. The design, the policies, the community. It all creates a vibe. Now I don’t really have an issue with any individual platform. They all have their own indi...

Gen Z 📱🔥💸🔥🏛️🔥

Well this should be cheerful! Lets talk about the various forces that are affecting the younger generations in America! I hope others will create rival texts and improve this page.

Here is a great video about the subject by a member of Gen Z:


The Dating Market

Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge now dominate the quest for love and connection. Their gamified interfaces let users swipe through potential matches instantly. Profile photos and brief bios replace nuanced first impressions. How has this af...

Your Different Tropes Of Intelligence

See the source image

This is non-scientific! These are just my observations. Feel free to build upon this, but I suggest keeping it fun, keeping it light. If you know some related story tropes, psychology, neuroscience factoids feel free to jump in and write a rival text...


I love puppies

yes more, I am so excited!


No Kittens!


More to explore:

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

Better emails - AI Prompting

Let’s make an AI prompt that sends better emails. Not your normal run of the mill emails. We want to optimize to hell and back. Lets get quality marketing, sales, and professional emails. Freely iter...

People to Follow!








Midflip aims to make BIG groups smarter. Read the theory.