
This is IanMiller's intro.

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  • They can describe themself.
  • They can explain a passion of theirs.
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  • They can keep an embedded list of their favorite videos.
  • They can do whatever they want!

Open Intro

Generating social media posts - AI prompting

Most AI prompting for social media are automated trainwrecks. Here we want to attempt to create a prompt which can generate good ideas and content for social media.

we are assuming that you the prompter will pick out the best This is Midflip, so feel...

Generating social media posts - AI prompting

Most AI prompting for social media are automated trainwrecks. Here we want to attempt to create a prompt which can generate good ideas and content for social media.

we are assuming that you the prompter will pick out the best This is Midflip, so feel free to improve if you can, we will vote on improvements.

General Brainstorm

General Brainstorm PR...


Here we go again.

Inflation Watch 🏰


Here at Inflation Watch, we take a deep dive into the world of rising prices. Inflation can feel like a confusing fog monster. But fear not! We're a crowd-sourced community dedicated to understanding how inflation impacts our ever...