Midflip admin account - Welcome to the public think tank. Lets make BIG groups smarter! We socially improve ideas with king-of-the-hill texts and liquid democracy. We are iterating constantly, so please provide feedback and help improve the site!

Open Intro

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderstood.

Midflip has designed a social network + wiki specialized to address these problems. W...

Miscommunication Mishaps in Businesses

#1: Conflicting project visions lead to wasted efforts

Two teams working on the same project have different understanding of the project goals and requirements. They work towards conflicting visions, resulting in wasted time, resources, and frustration when the discrepancies come to light.

#2: Unclear roles and responsibilities cause duplication an...

MidFlip: Iterating in public

We want to make a social media good for individuals and society! We want to make BIG groups smarter. Help us by telling us what we can improve on!

Introducing Midflip’s newest version: Liquid.

Liquid is our biggest update yet. We now have liquid demo...

Unaligned B2B strategies

#1: Overpromise and underdeliver to win contracts

Sales teams exaggerate the capabilities, timelines, or resources of their company to win B2B contracts. When the company fails to deliver on these inflated promises, it strains the client relationship and damages the company's reputation.

#2: Exploit loopholes in contracts to cut corners

Account man...