MidFlip: Iterating in public

Current king of the hill (#5)


MidFlip: Iterating in public.

Submitted by




As an edit it won against

text #4

(11 YES 0 NO).

This king text has no current edits attempting to take its place.

Is there a search function?

By alfonso_taboada

· Reply

Is liquid democracy transferable? Like if I trust Bob, and Bob trusts Alice, and then Alice votes… will Alice get three auto votes?

By Dinos_will_rise_again

· Reply

Yeah its recursive. It builds chains of trust.

By Josh

· Reply

Liquid is awesome now! Your first iteration, i was confused but the new wave icon definitely fixed that.

By HannaLange

· Reply

Thanks, yeah we have been kicking ourselves for not thinking about the wave icon earlier.

By Josh

· Reply

There’s potential, but more is needed. focus enterprise.

By ZoeyYoung

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