We want to make a social media good for individuals and society! We want to make BIG groups smarter. Help us by telling us what we can improve on!
Introducing Midflip’s newest version: Liquid. Kickflip.
Liquid is our biggest update yet. We now have liquid democracy! Choose who you wish to represent you in the topics you care about.
Liquid changes: Kickflip has introduced a ton of new visual and system design changes.
Liquid Democracy - click on someone’s icon and you will know have the option to make them your representative. This will give them your vote within that specific topic. Read more about implementation details here .
Column is gone! Long live the new main page layout.
King-of-the-hill redesign. Its been a long road, but we are now getting feedback from new users that they understand the king-of-the-hill system quickly without prompting! New users are now quickly getting the advantages of midflip.
New post card layout - more intuitive and puts the user image first. Also easy visual depiction describing the difference between topic texts, edits, and posts.
Further feedback system has been taken out - It was too confusing for beginner users; we do however have plans to bring it back in a different simplified form later down the track.
New text editor - Our new text editor gives us a lot more flexibility to add new features. Already we have added mentions!
Simplification of the many-choice menu.
Easy follow / friend / message interaction path.
And lots more!!!

MidFlip changes fast - that is our best quality - the ability to pivot on a dime - Help us aim our changes towards your needs by providing feedback. Be brutal. Stick a knife into our front and twist. Design decisions (and ideas in general) should be put under fire and made to run the gauntlet.
Next Steps
We are at the point where will be pushing for new users. We have a list of content to flood the internet with, please help by sharing and/or creating where you can. It is very difficult to grow a new social media within the current internet environment. So, any help is much appreciated.
We will be doing another push towards new users very soon. With that new influx, we hope to get further feedback as to keep refining! Lets build better online discourse.
As far as development is concerned, we have two focuses. Luke is focused on creating private spaces. These will be paid private servers for companies or organizations who want to improve their information ecosystem. We provide them with a social knowledge library. A company wiki that will actually be used.
Our second focus is to improve the text editor. We aim to flesh it out with a few more options and make a few quality-of-life adjustments.
Thank you all for following a long. Social media needs to continually update and improve. The crowd needs to be better organized and be given a more effective voice. If mainstream social media will not innovate in that direction, we will.
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