This front is to determine once and for all which animal is the coolest. I humbly present my objectively correct opinion.
Camels are coolest animal ever. It really is not contestable.
Exhibit A. The only time Camels were used in advertising, it caused the majority of the population to pay to poison themselves.
Exhibit B. No one messes with camels. When used militarily the camels scared the shit out of horses and won many battles. The only reason they were not universally adopted was because they were too damn cool to ride. (They can be stubborn and unruly)
Exhibit C. I don't need an exhibit C, and by the way the camels don't give a damn about your opinion. They know they are the coolest and don't need external validation.
Some camel facts:
Oh and also...Camels originally evolved in North America, USA. Yeah, you heard that right, Camels are American! MERCA!
So what happened? Why are camels not in the USA. Well they all died. But their ancestors live on. Before they died out in America, one group of camels immigrated over the Alaskan ice bridge to Asia and split into the one hump and two hump populations that we find today.
Another group immigrated south to South America and became the also-pretty-damn-cool Llamas and Alpacas. (Guanaco and Vicuna exist too, but they are the family weirdos.)
In conclusion. Camels are the coolest. Every other animal sucks. If you disagree, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, that's fine. Come fight me but fine. Create a rival text, but you will lose.
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