MidFlip: Iterating in public

King of the hill #3


MidFlip: Iterating in public.

Submitted by




As an edit it won against

text #2

(8 YES 0 NO).

It held the top position until it lost to an


written by Josh (9 YES 0 NO).

It is 100 times better. I love the floating buttons on the king-of-the-hill text. Immediately tells you what is going on.

By jake-denning

· Reply

Awesome changes congrats guys! Next steps: I suggest focusing on organizing the additions and subtractions of edit texts a bit better.

By At_moon_what_now

· Reply

Thats last to do on our check list before pushing for users again. You may notice some broken versions as we test this out.

By Josh

· Reply

It looks so much more professional, good job! Can’t wait to see what’s next.

By HannaLange

· Reply

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