MidFlip: Iterating in public

King of the hill #1


MidFlip: Iterating in public.

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It held the top position until it lost to an


written by Josh (4 YES 0 NO).

Awesome stuff! Can't wait. P.s. I am still sometimes getting that error where the avatar icon shows up on top of stuff... when the expandable open section first loads on champ page.

By HannaLange

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I think that's a firefox thing devs! Don't see it on chrome.

By AlexFist

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Be mean. Tough love is required. Treat it like play-doe. Easy to make, easy to destroy. What can we rip out to make simpler? what can we polish harder?

By Josh

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I think the different post types and reactions are a good idea but too complicated for getting this ship off the ground.

By Jessssus

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We have been thinking similarly.

By Josh

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Also after last design round (versioning system) the bottom blub about how this is "champ 1 at blablabla" is no longer necessary.

By Jessssus

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By Josh

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I always forget to see comments - 1 extra click.

By jake-denning

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I don't know the best solution here because you want the topics to act like a hub for posts (i.e. a design where you can quickly jump to the post feed), BUT you also want it to act like a evolving text with comments (i.e. a design where the text is auto open and the comments come first).

By Jessssus

· Reply

Agreed, I have been prototyping different navigation systems... I have been trying to find one that also explains what is going on for newbies. Current prototype iteration below... still needs work to make look better.

By Josh

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