Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting

King of the hill #2


Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting.

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text #1

(4 YES 0 NO).

It held the top position until it lost to an


written by Sir-Prance-a-Lot (24 YES 0 NO).

This is really useful thank you

By AlexFist

· Reply

I like the scenerio your setting for it. I feel there is likely a better organization for a summary but I see what your going for and i like the direction.

By Sir-Prance-a-Lot

· Reply


  1. Topic ELI5

  2. context & building blocks

  3. goal & process

  4. findings & lessons

By Gr33nGuru

· Reply

Or go along the same structure most papers have.

  • Abstract (Management Summary, Eli5,…)

  • Method and processes

  • Findings

  • Discussion

By zielperson

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^ this

By Josh

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By alexander.harris

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Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting

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