Mitigating the Potential Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

The bots are coming! Artificial intelligence’s abilities are growing. What are the potential dangers? This is the hub for discussing this coming future.

It is unclear exactly how capable AI is going to become. Will they be narrow intelligences or ge...

A story about creativity and feedback

Improving in a creative direction is hard. Really hard. That’s why most people simply copy what has been done before. But now everyone and their AI can do that.

So, we turn to the difficult road… but perhaps the more meaningful one.

Creating somet...

Learning about Learning

Here we are creating a mental model of how learning occurs. It is a get-in, get-out, don’t-f-about type of model. We skip the low-down explanations of neurons and move straight to representations. How do representations form? how do they interconnect...

MidFlip: Iterating in public

We want to make a social media good for individuals and society! We want to make BIG groups smarter. Help us by telling us what we can improve on!

Introducing Midflip’s newest version: Liquid.

Liquid is our biggest update yet. We now have liquid demo...

The Loss of Jobs to Artificial Intelligence.


Is a wave of robots coming for our jobs?

The rise of AI

AI has already made significant inroads in various industries, from customer service chat bots to robotic assembly lines. The investor class is turning to robots and AI. Companies are investin...

AI & Over Optimization

Artificial Intelligence is based on optimization. A measurable goal is set, and the system updates to better achieve that goal. This ALWAYS involves maximizing or minimizing a number.

We have gotten pretty clever with maximizing and minimizing numb...

The argument for and against open sourcing ASI

If we assume that we truly are innovating our way to artificial super intelligence (ASI)… should we open source it? Should every person with an internet connection be able to download the latest ASI attempt? The internet has collapsed this important ...

More to explore:

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

AI Prompting collaborative notes

Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer apparently. Everyone has that one cool trick to get the AI to produce better prompts.

Social media is full of gu...

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Midflip aims to make BIG groups smarter. Read the theory.