AI Prompting collaborative notes

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Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer apparently.

Everyone has that one cool trick to get the AI to produce better prompts.

At Midflip, we can just collaboratively combine our notes and ideas on the process.

Social media is full of guides l...

Gap Selling - Summarizing the Framework.

Here we are summarizing the Gap Selling Framework presented in the book Gap Selling by Keenan. We are not summarizing the book chapter by chapter, instead we are finding the best way to present these ideas in a short and easy to read format. This is ...

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AI & Over Optimization

Artificial Intelligence is based on optimization. A measurable goal is set, and the system updates to better achieve that goal.

But what if the system over-opti...

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid’ Clancys progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How tribal divides form.

A grand fracture that divides. A schism in opinion on a massive scale. This article explores the dynamics of tribal divides. As this is a midflip article, pleas...

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