How to make social media smarter

Current social systems are not smart. They don’t even try to be. They are optimizing for attention.

Each social media network is a unique information ecosystem. The design, the policies, the community. It all creates a vibe. Now I don’t really have a...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderstood.

Midflip has designed a social network + wiki specialized to address these problems. W...

MidFlip: Iterating in public

We are building a collaborative knowledge platform! We want to make BIG groups smarter. Help us by telling us what we can improve on!

Introducing Midflip’s newest version: Liquid.

Liquid is our biggest update yet. We now have liquid democracy! Choose...

Testing Lalalala

Testing testing 1, 2, 3

This is the MeritFront testing topic. Post random stuff here. Test away!

Here is a song I wrote just for you.

The Jam Clam

Wellllllllllllllll on the sea floor there lived a clammmmmmmmmm. A clammmmm that knew how to Jammmm...

More to explore:

Generating social media posts - AI prompting

Most AI prompting for social media are automated t...

AI Prompting collaborative notes

Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer ap...

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Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting

Lets summarize academic articles!

Why? because 1. ...