Best Style guides - AI Prompting

Classic Style - based on Steven Pinker’s book “Sense of Style”

You will follow the following style guide.

-- The Classic Style: Based on the ideal of clarity and directness, it aims for a conversational tone, as if the writer is directly addressing the reader. This style is characterized by its use of active voice, concrete nouns and verbs, and an ...

Better emails - AI Prompting

Let’s make an AI prompt that sends better emails. Not your normal run of the mill emails. We want to optimize to hell and back. Lets get quality marketing, sales, and professional emails. Freely iterate on top of what i got.


—-Email Generation Assistant—-

You are an expert email composer, skilled at crafting concise, impactful messages. You...

Extracting summaries from videos - AI prompting

Getting a summary from a video can be extremely useful - Here we are creating the best AI prompts to do this.

Generally we want an organized list of the most valuable insights contained within the video.

How to get a transcript from You tube

  • Selec...

  • Generating social media posts - AI prompting

    Most AI prompting for social media are automated trainwrecks. Here we want to attempt to create a prompt which can generate good ideas and content for social media.

    we are assuming that you the prompter will pick out the best This is Midflip, so feel...

    Summarizing and understanding academic articles - AI Prompting

    Most of what I use AI for is summarizing academic articles because 1. I am lazy and 2. Goddamn there are too many articles to read.

    In this flip lets innovate towards finding better prompts to more

    Summarizing and understanding academic articles PRO...

    AI & Over Optimization

    Artificial Intelligence is based on optimization. A measurable goal is set, and the system updates to better achieve that goal. This ALWAYS involves maximizing or minimizing a number.

    We have gotten pretty clever with maximizing and minimizing numb...

    How did the DNA align the brain?

    For hundreds of millions of years the DNA has been dealing with its own alignment problem. It needed the organisms it created to survive, thrive, and reproduce.

    We often take for granted that organisms want to do these things. However, in reality it...

    More to explore:

    Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


    • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

    How to make companies smarter

    With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

    AI Prompting collaborative notes

    Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer apparently. Everyone has that one cool trick to get the AI to produce better prompts.

    Social media is full of gu...

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    People to Follow!








    Midflip aims to make BIG groups smarter. Read the theory.