
Here we go again.

The problems with LLMs and the paths being explored to fix them.

Our current AI models have massive problems. They do not plan. They gravitate towards normalcy. Their world model is NOT a set of functional components. This does not mean we will not solve these issues. Current LLMs are likely over hyped. Future AI ...

Are Large Language Models Glorified Auto-text? Where Does LLMs Intelligence Fail?

Where are the weaknesses in large language models? Do they have predictable failings? Can I (playground bully style) call them glorified auto text, a stochastic parrot, a bloody word calculator!

Glorified auto-text?

As an oversimplified summary, Lar...

Mitigating the Potential Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

The bots are coming! Artificial intelligence’s abilities are growing. What are the potential dangers? This is the hub for discussing this coming future.

It is unclear exactly how capable AI is going to become. Will they be narrow intelligences or ge...

How dangerous is AI?

This guy confidently says AI is going to kill us all. He makes some compelling arguments. It is really worth reading his blog post. AGI Ruin: A List of Lethalities - LessWrong. Below is a drastically reduced summary.

1. AGI will not be upper-bounded...

Artificial Intelligence The Alignment Problem

Artificial intelligence promises two possible futures: one of remarkable promises and another of daunting dangers.

These futures are advancing rapidly. You could find yourself in a very different world very soon. To navigate this changing landscape, we need to focus on the alignment problem. We need to make sure Artificial Intelligence is aligned ...

More to explore:

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid Clancy’s progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How to make companies smarter

With scale comes communication problems. On-boarding while critical becomes messy. Processes while crucial become fragile. Goals and decisions become misunderst...

AI Prompting collaborative notes

Everyone and their grandma is a prompt engineer apparently. Everyone has that one cool trick to get the AI to produce better prompts.

Social media is full of gu...

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