Dopamine and habits

Habits are the autopilot of our lives, but what keeps them running smoothly? The answer lies in the complex interplay of neural pathways and chemicals, with dopamine playing a starring role.

More details of dopamine and habit formation


Learning about Learning

Here we are creating a mental model of how learning occurs. It is a get-in, get-out, don’t-f-about type of model. We skip the low-down explanations of neurons and move straight to representations. How do representations form? how do they interconnect...

Running empty on dopamine by end of day

Did you know that your motivation and drive slowly deteriorate as the day progresses? The culprit behind this phenomenon is a tiny structure deep within your brain: the Nucleus Accumbens.

This flip summarizes a part of this YouTube video by...

Memetics - Ideas are alive

The Mind virus

A new primary school student, Maya, enters a new school. Unbeknownst to all, she brings with her a virus. But not just any virus... a mind virus. An idea. An idea that will spread throughout the school and never, ever leave again.

In ...

How to control your emotions. A Game theory perspective.

Do you remember being 8 years old? Do you remember getting angry? or sad? or happy? The absolute overwhelming takeover of your body. You were not even you; you just became the emotion.

Overtime, presumably, you have learned to somewhat control your e...

How Light Effects Mood, Sleep, and Eating Habits.

We evolved to work within a daily cycle. Wake up with the sun, go to sleep at night.

But now we are all out of wack.

First, we are not signalling to our eyes that we are about to go to sleep. People mess with this by keeping lights on, staring at a p...

More to explore:

Taking on the Camino for Ovarian Cancer


  • Follow Ingrid’ Clancys progress step by step, on her picture blog at (please “Follow” and “Comment” there to give her ...

How tribal divides form.

A grand fracture that divides. A schism in opinion on a massive scale. This article explores the dynamics of tribal divides. As this is a midflip article, pleas...

Running empty on dopamine by end of day

Did you know that your motivation and drive slowly deteriorate as the day progresses? The culprit behind this phenomenon is a tiny structure deep within your br...

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